Frankenstein's Monster's Monster
A gravedigging roguelike about escaping to the moon, made for Wizard Jam 5. Available on Collaboration with Chris Maire and Derek Leverenz.
The Stake Out
A short narrative game about being on a stake out, made for Wizard Jam 4. Available on Collaboration with Chris Maire.
Get That Weak Shit Off My Track
An experiment in expressive controls mimicking the driving physics and mechanics in The Wachowskis' Speed Racer (2008). Collaboration with Mark Laprairie.
A game about walking through a parallaxed maze-like forest and saving people from wolves, made for Global Game Jam 2013. Collaboration with Max Rafferty and Jeremy Griffith. Git repo available here.
Ultimate Shove Club
A competitive online king-of-the-hill style game about shoving your friends with your push rifle, made for 7DFPS 2014. Available on (collaborators listed there).